Before ONE OFF Online Merch Stores
- Teams or organizations wanting to collect orders or run boosters to fundraise for the team would use paper order forms sent around to be filled out with checks for payment.
- Coaches and group organizers would have to sift through forms, checks, and cash to make sure the totals were correct.
- Completed group orders were then left all in a box, not separated for each distribution by the coach/group organizer.
With ONE OFF Merch Stores
- ONE OFF will design your custom apparel and setup a fundraiser store.
- You can set fundraising goals that are displayed front-and-center on your store.
- Determine a dollar amount (or percentage) of each sale to be used for fundraising.
- Orders are collected through the online store via individuals paying separately.
- After the store has closed all merch is printed and separated by order and a fundraiser check is given to the organizer.
Contact Us with any question about starting your online merch store.